President – Judy Olmstead
Vice-President -
Secretary – Deanna Trembath
Treasurer – Cindy Briol
How Westman Gardeners Germinated!
In the fall of 2005, Brenda Newton and Marg Senkbeil curled on the same curling team. Many discussions were centered on how to get more people interested in gardening and the idea of a second garden club to be formed in Brandon was met with a lot of approval from others that they talked to. With a little planning and an organizational meeting with another gardener, Sherrell Sherb, arrangements were made with Central Community Centre to hold monthly meetings there on the first Thursday of each month with the exception of July and August. The first meeting was held on February 2006 and with it came a huge snowstorm and road closures. Even though that happened there were still 20 or so people in attendance. The second monthly meeting, in March also came with a huge snowstorm, and once again the same number of people attended. Yearly our memberships have been between 25-40 members with a garden program consisting of a wide variety of speakers, craft activities, garden tours and networking with other gardeners.